
Hi! My name is [REDACTED]! This my new blog! I look forward to posting updates to you guys about my cool and intersting life!

8/20/?? -Today was just another school day! I think school is sooooo boring XD!! But I saw him today and it made everything so much better! I wonder if he thinks about me like I think about him! Lunch was awful today :P there was definetly something off about it...BUT GUYS I FOUND MY TAMAGOTCHI!!! Anyways, this has been an update by ******! See you in the next one :3

i saw him i know i did im not crazy i swear people dont see him but i do he is very real

9/02/?? -People at school are such bullies!!! they said school would be hard but UGH life isn't fair sometimes! I wish all those bullies would go away!!!!! Then we could have world peace finally! He wasn't at school today but it's okay he still talked to me! He said he couldn't live without me XD

he said he would take care of it for me, isnt he sweet

Weird GIF Weird GIF Weird GIF Weird GIF